case study

Visit time reduced by 32% using Kahun’s Clinical Assessment Tool

A case study with HelixVM- A virtual care marketplace


Integration of Kahun’s clinical reasoning tool into HelixVM's virtual care solution

Kahun partnered with HelixVM, a virtual care marketplace enabling asynchronous medicine, to integrate its clinical reasoning tool into HelixVM's virtual care solution.

By leveraging Kahun's chatbot tool in their clinical operations, HelixVM equipped its medical professionals across the US with pre-visit clinical insights and reduced clinical visit time by 30%.

HelixVM’s Key Objectives

Reduce overall visit time

Improve patient experience

Improve documentation

Digitalize and automate processes

The Solution

Ensuring that the existing intake process remained robust and straightforward for patients, and that any additional components were integrated seamlessly.

HelixVM provides remote urgent and primary care services through its website, which offers users a user-friendly intake workflow to schedule appointments with physicians, typically on the same day. When incorporating Kahun's clinical assessment chatbot, HelixVM asked to ensure that the existing intake process remained robust and straightforward for patients, and that any additional components were integrated seamlessly.

Kahun's white-labeled clinical assessment chatbot has been integrated into the workflow as a natural component of HelixVM's intake process. Patients booking appointments are now required to undergo a brief, professional assessment via the chatbot, which is then forwarded to the relevant physician as a structured summary prior to the scheduled visit.

The Workflow

Kahun’s “codifying” clinical policies to facilitate faster transactions

Before implementing Kahun, the intake included a payment type selection, scheduling the time of the visit and a brief questionnaire around the patient's current complaint and medical history.

To improve the clinical part of the patient intake in preparation for the physician visit, HelixVM has added Kahun’s clinical assessment chatbot to its intake workflow, capturing the full patient presentation prior to the visit.

Once the intake is completed by the patient and the appointment is booked, the clinical assessment results are sent via API to HelixVM who then inserts them into their EHR.HelixVM has created a careful blend of clinical policies, workflow and technology required to make their asynchronous/synchronous marketplace run.  Kahun has facilitated this endeavor by “codifying” those clinical policies to facilitate faster transactions.

The Technology

Kahun's solution performs clinical reasoning at scale by basing its dynamic clinical assessment on the company's proprietary map of over 30 million evidence-based medical insights

The integration of Kahun's AI-based clinical reasoning tool empowers HelixVMM's telehealth solution to more effectively and efficiently assess a patient's clinical condition prior to the visit, as well as provide insights into a potential diagnosis and suggested next steps.

Through its advanced XAI (explainable AI) engine, Kahun's solution performs clinical reasoning at scale by basing its dynamic clinical assessment on the company's proprietary map of over 30 million evidence-based medical insights. Kahun's algorithmic engine utilizes this map in real time to generate clinical insights tailored to each specific patient. Insights are referenced and backed by links to originating knowledge.

The results

HelixVM has Streamlined its processes, boosted efficiency and achieved a 30% reduction in visit duration

Kahun's clinical assessment chatbot has helped facilitate over 10,000 interactions for HelixVM since its inception. It offers patients the opportunity to actively participate in their care and facilitates physicians in providing better, more streamlined care while also increasing their patient volume capacity. The rate of patient engagement with HelixVM has been quite substantial, with completion rates hovering at approximately 85%, and steadily improving over time.

By incorporating Kahun's clinical assessment tool into HelixVM's intake workflow, the organization has been able to greatly streamline its processes and boost efficiency. By furnishing physicians with a clinical assessment summary prior to the patient's visit, HelixVM has achieved a 30% reduction in visit duration (a decrease of approximately 10 minutes on average).

The Value


Kahun’s technology has enabled HelixVM to streamline its workflow as well as achieve its goals to create an easier and more efficient intake process.

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